Hospice patients have specific rights and opportunities to question Hospice Services. Before signing on to Hospice care, the patient and family of the patient should understand their rights, as well as their own responsibilities in their care.
Patient/Family Rights:
Right to Autonomy and Self-Determination
- To receive information about the services covered under the hospice benefit and specific limitations on those services.
- To participate in the development of his or her Plan of Care and to be informed of the nature and purpose of all care and procedures as well as the anticipated benefits and potential side effects.
- To receive information about Advanced Directives and have Hospice comply with the patient’s Advanced Directive choices.
- To choose or change his or her attending physician or caregiver without fear of reprisal or recrimination.
Right to Ethical Treatment
- To expect Hospice to provide safe, professional care regardless of patient age, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status or marital status, disability, diagnosis, or ability to pay.
- To be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity and to have the property of the patient/family treated with respect.
- To be free from mistreatment, neglect, or verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, including injuries of unknown sources, and misappropriation of patient property.
Right to Privacy
- To have the patient’s privacy honored concerning his or her body, surroundings, conversations, and information.
- To have the patient’s clinical records treated with confidentiality, according to HIPAA regulations.
Right to Receive and Refuse Treatment
- To have access to necessary professional services 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
- To receive care from members of the Hospice team or from providers who are contracted by Hospice, and who are qualified to carry out the duties for which they are assigned.
- To receive effective pain management and symptoms control from Hospice.
- To receive reasonable continuity of care, and, if appropriate, to be referred to other agencies or organizations.
- To refuse all or part of the Plan of Care and to be informed of possible results of such refusal.
Responsibilities of Patient/Family:
- To provide complete and accurate information about illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and matters pertinent to the patient’s health.
- To inform Hospice when patient is not able to keep home care appointments.
- To treat Hospice personnel with respect.
- To participate in and follow the Plan of Care.
- To provide a safe environment in which care may be provided.
- To cooperate with staff.
- To ask questions if information or instructions are not understood.
- To provide Hospice with personal (confidential) information in order that Hospice may bill Medicare, Medicaid, etc.
- To inform Hospice of any problems or dissatisfaction with service.
Financial Considerations:
- Hospice does not charge the patient, family, or estate for services provided under the Hospice Plan of Care; however, any services not approved by Hospice will be the responsibility of the patient.
- Hospice will bill Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance whenever possible.
- The patient/family will be informed verbally and in writing thirty days before any changes in these financial arrangements are to take effect.
The patient and family have the right to voice complaints about care that has been or should have been furnished; to voice complaints about lack of respect for person or property; or to voice any other appropriate complaints.
Complaints may be submitted by telephone, in person, or in writing to:
Attention: Executive Director
Hospice del Valle
514 Main Street
Alamosa, CO 81101
Telephone: 719-589-9019
Fax: 719-589-5094
If the concern is not resolved to the satisfaction of the patient/family, call the Colorado Department of Health Hotline at 800-886-7689, and follow the voice mail instructions.